yea, this is sweet
Okay, first of all I will say this movie was great. Great plot, loved the music, and the drawings werent the best but the animation was great for them. To anyone who is voting zeros on this to save prowlies or whatever the fuck is going on here, just suck a nut...suck a fucking nut. You are a fucking loser if you give two shits about what movie is placed where. Almost all my favorite movies on newgrounds arent even in the top 50, but I don't care because that doesn't stop me from being able to watch them. If your life revolves around newgrounds, then go grab a razor blade and slice your wrists right now, because the world doesn't need douche bag losers like you in it. You should review something on it's own merits, not judge it by placing it next to the ultimate latest and greatest, because then everything is going to look like shit until the next latest and greatest comes out. TmsT, you made a fine ass movie here. And I love your prowlies gettin pwnd page, although maybe u should be pwning the prowlies fags who are fucking over your reviews, because they're the gay ones, not prowlies. Prowlies fags, have a nice life sucking Adam Phillips dick. Until next time, I'm out.